We are grateful to Cappelen Logistics for the professionalism and honesty of our joint work. Finding the right solution, according to the specific needs of our business, as well as the profitable trading conditions, makes Capellen logistics an important partner. It is a pleasure to work with you!


With respect:

Christina Trendafilova

Chief Operations Officer

Thanks to the Cappelen Logistics Company for our joint work, dedication and professional service.

We are glad to work with you!


With respect:

Velina Petrova

Special thanks to the entire Cappelen Logistics team for honesty and outstanding professional service in our joint work over the past years.

Favorable business conditions, and always finding the right solution, according to the needs of our business, make us an important partner.


With respect:

Faddy Faisal

Manager Crown EOOD

With this reference, we express our gratitude to the Cappelen Logistics team for professionalism and skills for working with specific products.

“BB Farm” (“BB Pharm”) is a leading pharmaceutical company that manufactures original, high-quality pharmaceutical products.

With Cappelen Logistics, we have been working since 2017. From then until today, we receive extremely accurate service and competent assistance in our joint work.

The experience gained and the results achieved are a guarantee that “Cappelen logistics” deserves the trust of its current and future customers.


With respect:

Blagovest Belchev


Thanks to Cappelen Logistics Ltd. for our professionalism and good communication in our joint work.

The implementation of logistics processes, in accordance with the needs of our business, and the favorable conditions make “Capellen logistics” one of the trusted and preferred logistics partners.

Thanks for working together!


With respect:

Atanas Manev

Manager of Transport and Logistics